
Planets are the main element of the game. Their type and rareness have an impact on the gameplay and on the profits from play to earn. Mechanically speaking, all elements are divided in two groups: Global Elements and Positional Defenses.

Some examples of global elements are size, gravity, atmosphere, landscape and many others which influence gameplay mechanics and challenge invaders and defenders in different ways.

Positional defenses, as the name implies, can be positioned and adjusted according to player strategy. They alternate from simple asteroids to satellites, comets, mines and much more diverse defenses.

Planet rareness affects the game in two ways. First, the number of tokens mined from a world are severely affected by its degree of rareness. Secondly, the kind of shard yielded by it when successfully invaded also depend on this factor.

On top of all that, there is a cosmetic component affecting planets, defenses and background, culminating in a vast array of NFT possibilities.

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