• Steal to earn? Can I loose my money?

No, you can't! All that can be lost is what you would earn from the play to earn reward. When the ranked system is out, players on the top will be allowed to use $WRAID to boost their rewards, but only the $WRAID used in each mining cycle will be risked to be stolen.

  • What about governance?

We do intend to use $WRAID as the governance token. We plan to begin improving the descentralization process on the second quarter of 2022.

  • When will the game be released?

The alpha version will be finished before the end of the year, and the game will be release to the public on the first quarter of 2022

  • What will I need in order to play the game?

You will need a planet NFT, a raider NFT and some small ammount of $WRAID in your wallet.

  • How will I manage to get the NFTs?

We will have a small pre sale of mystic bags of shards and essence bottles before the game launch. These items will be at discounted price and have chances of generating rare planets and raiders, which will improve your rewards. Each bag will generate one planet, and each bottle will generate one raider. After that we will sell common bags and bottles in the market place for the standard price.

  • How much will I earn playing world raiders?

The mining reward depends on your planet level and planet rarity: the highest the level and the rarity, the bigger your reward on each mining cycle. Nonetheless, the reward is strongly based on player skill, since the more successfull invasions you have, more rewards you will steal.

Last updated